We are so grateful for your support! Your donations help cover our annual operating expenses, including equipment replacements, vehicle maintenance, and upkeep of our rescue facility. This is the simplest way you can help!
Donate Today
Or do it the old fashioned way, and simply mail us a check at:
Ouray Mountain Rescue Team
P.O. Box 220
Ouray, CO 81427
Please also see below for other ways to support our team.
We’ve Got Schwag
Show your love for the Ouray Mountain Rescue Team with custom branded T-shirts and hats! Each year, we make a custom T-shirt design, and shirt colors vary from one year to the next. Over the years, our shirts have become collectors items for our most loyal supporters.
Our shirts are available for purchase in every size at these local businesses:
Ouray Mountain Sports, Ridgway Adventure Sports, Ouray Glassworks & Pottery, Mountain Fever, Ridgway State Park, and the Ouray Visitor Center.
Our shirts are also available for purchase online!
The NEW 2024 Ouray Mountain Rescue T-shirt, celebrating our 50th anniversary!
Artwork by local artist, Kylee Firlit.
Buy a Brick for the Barn
Want to make a physical contribution to our ongoing rescue mission? For a donation of $100 or more, you can buy a customizable commemorative brick for the memorial wall at our rescue barn in Ouray.
Other Creative Ways to Support the Team
The CORSAR fund reimburses Colorado Search and Rescue teams for costs involved in a search or rescue mission. Contribute to the fund by purchasing a CORSAR card. A CORSAR card does not provide insurance.
Support Ouray Mountain Rescue while you shop for groceries! As we are a nonprofit organization, you can select our team to earn micro donations from City Market through their Community Support Program.
Set up monthly donations
Make a qualified charitable distribution
Make a gift of appreciated stock or real estate
Give from a donor-advised fund
Consider a legacy gift in your estate/will
For information on how to give in these ways, contact our fundraising officer via email:
Help secure our team’s longterm viability and secure our future with a major gift to support our endowment fund.
Contact our endowment manager via email:
Thank You to Our Local Community Partners
Many thanks to these local businesses of Ouray County who sponsor our community education and outreach efforts!
Thank You to Our Major Donors!
Thanks to all who have donated to make our rescue operations possible. It makes a big difference! We'd like to especially thank several local organizations who have provided major donations, including:
El Pomar Foundation
Ouray County Community Fund
Woman's Club of Ouray
Frank Massard Fund
Ouray Chamber of Commerce
City of Ouray
Ouray County
Town of Ridgway
Citizens State Bank
Alpine Bank
Telluride Foundation
Montrose Community Foundation